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Field 061: Visually Impaired
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Objective 002
Understand human development during early childhood.

1. Which of the following cognitive abilities is typically expected to be exhibited by a four-year-old child?

  1. recognizing basic relationships among numbers from 1 to 20
  2. sorting common objects according to size and color
  3. identifying another person's point of view
  4. distinguishing between fantasy and reality
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Correct Response: B.

Objective 010
Understand physical and health impairments.

2. For a student with a severe visual impairment, associated delays in fine-motor development would most likely have the greatest negative effect on the student's rate of learning in which of the following areas?

  1. daily living skills
  2. orientation and mobility
  3. auditory training
  4. tactile discrimination
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Correct Response: A.


Objective 011
Identify visual impairments and their characteristics.

3. Which of the following is most likely to characterize an individual with an astigmatism?

  1. color blindness
  2. involuntary eye movements
  3. blurred vision
  4. restricted visual field
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Correct Response: C.

Objective 017
Understand the development of vision and visual perception.

4. Which of the following occurs first in the development of visual perception?

  1. response to light
  2. perception of form
  3. ability to fixate
  4. ability to focus
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Correct Response: A.


Objective 021
Apply methods used to assess functional vision.

5. The Visual Efficiency Scale is most appropriately used to assess an individual's:

  1. visual-motor integration.
  2. aptitude for learning braille.
  3. functional vision.
  4. scanning and tracking ability.
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Correct Response: C.

Objective 025
Apply continuous assessment procedures.

6. A teacher would like to gather assessment data that will both identify the prevalence of a student's stereotypic behavior and be valuable later in developing and monitoring the success of a behavioral intervention strategy. Which of the following observational strategies is likely to be most effective in this situation?

  1. tallying the number of times the target behavior occurs during a two-hour time period and calculating the percentage of that time period the student exhibits the behavior
  2. assessing the frequency and duration of the target behavior systematically in several different settings and noting any antecedent and/or consequent behaviors
  3. asking the student to self-report on when and why the target behavior occurs and then observing the student to determine the accuracy of the student's perceptions
  4. recording the frequency and duration of the target behavior over a day's time and comparing it to data gathered for students who exhibit similar behaviors
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Correct Response: B.


Objective 032
Understand sensory training techniques used with students with visual impairments.

7. Which of the following auditory training activities would be most appropriate for helping a student with a severe visual impairment improve his or her skills in figure-ground discrimination?

  1. focusing on a unique sound in the presence of other sounds
  2. indicating the location of a fixed auditory signal in an otherwise silent environment
  3. following the path of a moving sound source
  4. identifying the agent that has made a particular isolated sound
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Correct Response: A.

Objective 038
Understand the use of educational materials, media, and equipment for students with visual impairments.

8. A Raised Line Drawing Kit (Sewell Kit) would most likely be useful in helping first or second grade students with visual impairments:

  1. represent the relationship between two- and three-dimensional objects.
  2. write on lines and in specified spaces.
  3. improve map-reading skills.
  4. produce various textures in tactual drawings.
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Correct Response: B.

Objective 040
Apply intervention and instruction techniques in the education of visually impaired students who have additional handicapping conditions.

9. An effective technique for teaching the concept of distance to a student with a severe visual impairment and a profound hearing impairment would be to have the student:

  1. interpret a description of the concept as presented by the teacher in the student's preferred mode of communication.
  2. use rulers of different lengths to measure the length of a familiar hallway in the school.
  3. explore a tactual map that includes familiar streets, buildings, and landmarks around the school.
  4. follow several paths of different lengths and compare the amount of time it takes to complete each path.
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Correct Response: D.


Objective 047
Understand the rights of students with special educational needs and the rights and responsibilities of their parents, guardians, advocates, teachers, and administrators.

10. Michigan and federal laws guarantee that students who are eligible for special education services will be provided with:

  1. appropriate placements during a 12-month year.
  2. a special needs evaluation conducted in their native language.
  3. vocational placement following graduation.
  4. a review of their IEP conducted by a multidisciplinary team once each semester.
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Correct Response: B.